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Comparative Analysis

character Based on national and international comparisons with cultural properties that are similar in background and nature to the nominated property, the following five points were concluded.

Comparison with World Heritage properties, especially those directly associated with religious suppression

Regarding World Heritage properties directly associated with religious suppression, no other properties have been found to be equivalent to the nominated property.

Comparison of histories of acceptance of Christianity in Asian countries

Regarding other Asian countries and their history of acceptance of Christianity, only in Japan was the Christian faith passed down secretly through many generations in the complete absence of missionaries and despite a two-century ban. Furthermore, Japan’s ban was much longer and more severe than any such ban in other Asian countries.

Comparison with Hidden Christian sites throughout Japan (from the latter half of the 17th century to the first half of the 19th century)

Regarding similar Christian sites within Japan, Hidden Christian communities across Japan gradually became disorganised throughout the 18th century due to the ban, remaining intact only in the Nagasaki region.


Comparison with Hidden Christian villages in the Nagasaki region

Regarding all 214 Hidden Christian villages in the Nagasaki region, it has been clarified that the 10 areas included in the nominated property are representative in terms of their contribution to the Outstanding Universal Value and the state of protective measures being implemented.

Comparison with Catholic churches built in villages in the Nagasaki region during the phase that followed the lifting of the ban on Christianity

Regarding the 73 Catholic churches in the Nagasaki region, it has been concluded that the Egami Church is a representative example in terms of duration of the transitional phase of religious identity, authenticity, and protective measures in place.